The Spring Transitional Lookbook

Paradise is in Soho

It’s an austere room, in a clean, atmospheric and angular way, sculpted out of dark stone, illuminated by soft amber light and a massive window that faces out towards a massage parlour, the now (mostly) polished heart of seedy old Soho. 

Re-opened after an extensive refurbishment last year, Paradise is the chef Dom Fernando’s vision of refined Sri Lankan cooking. It’s a tasting menu concept without any of the pomp and excessive tweezers usually associated with the format. Great food, an interesting room to eat it in, and a founder with a plan. 

A Conversation with W. David Marx

In the strange world of menswear and niche popular culture, W. David Marx has become a bit of an oracle, someone who can sift through the slop and get to the bottom of what, if anything, it all means. He moved to Japan more than 20 years ago, finding himself at the centre of a new wave of fascination around how two distinct worlds interact. 

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Revue: Alex Tieghi-Walker


Our friend Alex Moon, owner of Seoul's iconic Electric Shoes, selects her current favourite rotation of records

Drake's Radio, Ep. 26: Seoul Part II